English / Ulster-Scots Glossary

Letter S

SourceEnglish / Ulster-Scots Glossary: A Core Vocabulary Wordlist with Verb Tables
AuthorPhilip Robinson (compiled and edited by)
PublisherUllans Press
EditionFirst Edition
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safe adj safe

safety n safetie

said v pt sayed, allooed; (he/s~) qo he, q'he

sail n, v sail

salt n saut

same adj same; (the s~) tha yin

sand n san

sad adj doonhairtit, aa doon

sat v pt sut

Saturday n Settèrday

saucer n sasser

save v save

saw v pt saa, seen

say v say

school n schuil

science n science

score n score

Scotland n Scotlan

Scots n (the language) Scotch

Scottish adj Scotch

sea n sea

search v hunt, luk fur

season n saison

seat n sait

second adj saicont

section n pairt, slice, bït

see v see

seed n seed

select v pick

self pron sel

sell v sell

September n September, (loc.) Septemmer

send v sen

sense n (suspect) jalouse; (common s~) wut

sent v pt sent

serve v serve

session n (hist.)(lit.) sessioun

set v set

shadow n shedda

share v divide

sharp adj shairp

she pron she, hir

sheet n sheet

shell n shell

shine v shine

ship n boat, (loc.) bóat

shoe n (hist.)(loc.) shae

shoes n pl shune

shop n shap, (loc.) shop

shore n shore

short adj shoart

should v shud

shouldn't v neg shudnae

shoulder n shoother

shout v (gie a) shout, guldèr, gowl

show v show

sick adj seek

side n side

sigh n seich

sight n sicht

sign n sign

silence n wheesht, quait

silver adj siller

similar adj like, lake

simple adj simple, easy

since prep frae

sing v sïng, gie a sang

single adj sïng'l

sister n sïstèr

sit v sït

six adj sïx

size n (what s~ is it?) hoo big is it?

skill n skill, knak; (skilful) knakky

skin n skin

sky n sky, lift

sleep v (hae a) sleep

slip v skid, skite

slow adv slow

small adj smaa, wee

smart adj smairt, clivver, able

smell n smell, whiff, hoag

smile v (gie a ) smile, smirk

snake n snake

snow n snaa

so adv, conj sae

soap n saip

soft adj saft

soil n soil, grun, moul, clie

sold v pt soul, (occas.) selt

soldier n sodger

solution n answer

solve v work oot

some adj some

son n sin, (Biblical) sinn; (The S~ of God) Tha Sinn o God

song n sang

soon adv shane, soon

sorrow n sorra

soul n sowl

sound n soon

south n sooth

speak v taak, speak; (he s~ Scots) he taaks Scotch

special adj special

speech n taak

speed v hie, speed, flee

spell n (of time) while; (magic) blink

spend v spen

spot n spot

spread v (scatter) skail; (evenly) spreid, spread

spring n spring; (season) Sprïngtim, Spr&iumlng o tha yeir

sprout v sproot

square n square

stand v stan

star n star; (hist.) starn

start n stairt, join tae

state n (hist.) kintrie; (condition) state, condeetion

station n station

stay v stap (ower), stye

steam n steam

steel n steel

steep adj stye

step n step

stick n stick

still adv yit

stolen v pp stole

stone n stane

stood v pt stud

stop v quät

store v pit bye; (in s~) cumin

story n storie, yairn, levit

stout adj stoot

straight adv strecht

strange adj strange, odd

straw n strae

stream n burn, race, lade

street n raa, street

stretch v streetch

string n string

stroll v danner

strong adj strang

student n (be) at college, scholar; (hist.) collegianer

study v luk intae

stuff n stuff, (loc.) stiff

stumble v stummle

subject n point, main thing, (be) aboot

subtract v tak aff, tak awa

succeed v cum guid, bring (it) aff

such prep sitch, (hist.) sic

suddenly adv quïck, lake thon

sugar n shüggar

suggest v mak a suggestion, alloo

summer n simmer, simmertim

sun n sin

Sunday n Sünday; (hist.) tha Sabbath day

support n (prop) stay; v gie bakkin til, (be) for

sure adv shair

surprise n gunk; (pleasant) suprise; (unpleasant) supriser

swallow v swallae

swear v sweer

swim v sweem

swivel n sweel

swam v pt swum

symbolise v stan fur

system n wye o warkin

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The Ulster-Scots Academy has been an integral part of the Ulster-Scots Language Society since 1993. The name "Ulster-Scots Academy" is registered to the USLS with the Intellectual Property Office.

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A new edition of Michael Montgomery’s From Ulster to America: The Scotch-Irish Heritage of American English recounts the lasting impact that at least 150,000 settlers from Ulster in the 18th century made on the development of the English language of the United States. This new edition published by the Ulster-Scots Language Society documents over 500 ‘shared’ vocabulary items which are authenticated by quotations from both sides of the Atlantic. A searchable online version of this dictionary is now also available here.


The Ulster-Scots Academy is currently working on the digitisation of Dr Philip Robinson's seminal Ulster-Scots Grammar and the English/Ulster-Scots part (with circa 10,000 entries) of a two-way historical dictionary of Ulster-Scots. These projects are planned to be completed and available on the site in 2016.



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This site is being developed by the Ulster-Scots Language Society (Charity No. XN89678) without external financial assistance. USLS volunteers have been involved in preserving and promoting Ulster-Scots for more than 20 years. All donations, however small, will be most gratefully received and contribute towards the expansion of the project. Thank you!

(Friends of the Ulster-Scots Academy group)